About EM Blog

This blog with its related links and pages was created to guide the residents for their academic activities and news. Every year, we have a tremendous activities which is planned carefully to improve and build us as a strong and competent Emergency Physicians. It was clear that this dynamic process targeting  more than 30 residents will need a reference point to come back to.

This blog contains many sections which put most of our work in one digital library.This consists of the Grand Rounds, Case Presentation, Clinical Series and Procedures.Soon, more sections will be added as the next academic year is planned with some interesting modifications and additions.

The NEWS page is where you will find the most recent announcements related to the training. These information will be archived later on the announcement board page.

The schedule of our academic meetings is published and updated continuously for any changes.

Emergency Medicine Yard was created to allow more interactive discussion and advised between the residents to maximize the benefit from this sharing of knowledge. Here, everybody has the opportunity to participate and feed our database with interesting cases and related issues to it, conferences and courses, interesting articles, suggestions, and Exam Questions Bank. We also added the TWITTER Link and followed many interesting characters of emergency medicine worldwide like ACEP , EM news and many others.

The EM model is published in other  page to emphasize on its importance as  the reference point for every resident.

The evaluation forms and leave forms is linked in this blog for the residents. We would like to thank the OMSB officials for these useful links.

The Rotation master Plan is the whole rotations plan for all the residents. This is aimed to keep the network of the rotating residents accessible for you anytime.

The CME page has the Complete plan for the Academic Activities of the whole Academic Year. It is arranged as block by block links. Each block has its own weekly pages.

The Digital library page is published to keep the links of important Educational materials and site together for revision and references.  If you have any additional sites, you may suggest it for the group benefit.

This blog was developed gradually based on your suggestions and advices, which we really appreciate and put in serious concerns. We will be greatfull to receive more for any matter and issues.
